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Business rules for research and verification of grant recipients are configured in the Settings > System > Business Rules > Constituents tab.
Charity Evaluator Tool
When the Use Charity Evaluator Tool checkbox is filled, a Charity Evaluator tile appears on constituent records. The tile contains the Charity Evaluator functionality used to check the constituent's EIN against the IRS database to verify 501c3 status.
Research Link
Use the Research Link field to enter a URL for a 3rd party website such as GuideStar, Charity Navigator, etc. The URL is displayed as a dynamic link on constituent records, allowing quick access to the 3rd party's website. The URL you configure can include "<EIN>", and this will be dynamically replaced with a constituent record's EIN.
For example, Candid's GuideStar website shows high-level profiles for nonprofit organizations, and each profile page has its EIN in the URL. Some foundation administrators have configured their Research Link as follows:
When viewing the Constituent record screen for an organization with a TaxId value, the "Research" link will take users to a new browser tab and navigate to that organization's GuideStar page, which will be something like this: https://www2.guidestar.org/profile/03-0496934