Locked Records
  • 19 Apr 2023
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Locked Records

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Article Summary

How does a record get locked?

Sometimes record locks are not properly cleared, which can happen when someone closes Foundation Cloud Grants by just closing the browser while they have an editor window open. Similarly, in the Foundation Cloud Community Portal (FCCP) if a user leaves the web page while filling out an application or quits the browser, their session is ended but was never logged out of which results in the record being locked. The next time those users log in with their credentials the locks will clear themselves.

Best practice for releasing locked records from the portal (applications, grant requests, etc.) is to let them clear on their own. For internal record locking, you can clear a record lock if you are sure the user isn't actively working on that record. For instance, if a check run is locked and the team member who left it open is out of town, you wouldn't be able to process that check run because it's locked by that user. It would be ok for you to unlock it as you can be sure that user is not working on the batch.

Clearing Record Locks 

If you are confident that another user is not currently editing this record, click Unlock.

  1. Log in to Foundation Cloud
  2. Settings
  3. System
  4. Locked Records
  5. locate the record and click Unlock
  6. The system will display a message confirming you want to unlock the record.

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