Monthly Workflows
  • 04 Feb 2025
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Monthly Workflows

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Article summary

What are the typical monthly workflows in the Fund Investment Tool?


Here is an example of the typical workflows for monthly processes below:

  • Note that all FIT batches will include transactions as of the last Financial Edge transaction sync. If there are transactions that were added in Financial Edge after that sync took place, then you will need to run a new sync for those to be included.

1. Post all necessary month-end transactions in Financial Edge NXT

2. Sync transactions into FIT

3. Create Rebalancing batch(es), calculate them, send transactions to FE and post them, 

4. Sync transactions from FE

5. Create income allocation batch(es), calculate them, send transactions to FE and post them, 

6. Sync transactions from FE

7. Create admin fee batch(es), calculate them, and send transactions to FE and post them, 

8. Sync transactions from FE

9. (repeat for Spending Policies if needed)

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