Reviewer Overview
  • 03 Dec 2021
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Reviewer Overview

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Article summary

What is a Reviewer?

A reviewer is tasked with reading, evaluating and scoring applications. Reviewers are grouped together in Committees and assigned applications to score according to a predefined scoring rubric.

Identifying Reviewers:

  1. Assign the constituent the Reviewer code in Raiser's Edge (RE) or check the Reviewer box on the constituent record in Grant Edge (GE).
  2. All Reviewers must be a Web User and have Reviewer Approved as a role.
    1. Records > Constituents > All constituents > Search for the name.
    2. Open the record > Web User tab > Add Reviewer as a role with the status of Approved.
    3. If the constituent record is new and came from the portal, use the Web Portal Processing Queue to approve the role(s). 

Next, establish the Committee. See instructions here.

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