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User Sessions:
The User Sessions option allows the system administrator to view all open user sessions. On selecting the option, the sessions screen is displayed.
The system will default to displaying current open sessions and display the login time, user and workstation information.
The administrator can choose to display all session information since a specific date. This allows the user to determine who was on the system at a specific time.
Record Locks:
The Record Locks option allows the system administrator to view any record that is in a ‘lock’ status. The lock may be due to a user currently accessing this record or because a system error has kept a ‘lock’ on the record even though the user has released the record.
*Note: Records are normally left locked when there is a system crash either at the server level or workstation level, and the user does not have the option to close down normally.
1. The administrator clicks on a record within the grid, to select it, then clicks on Release to delete the record lock and allow access to the record.