What are the password requirements for Foundation Cloud and what information does NPact store regarding passwords?
  • 11 Jun 2024
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What are the password requirements for Foundation Cloud and what information does NPact store regarding passwords?

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Article summary

Foundation Cloud products have requirements for passwords, some of which may vary such as the minimum password length, password complexity, and the frequency in which a user would become locked out.


Foundation Cloud Grants: 

  • Minimum password length: At least 6 characters 
  • Password complexity: One numeric value or a special character 
  • Password expiration: MFA expires after 30 days but passwords do not 
  • Password history: The database shows if the password is temporary or set up by an admin, but password set by the user are not stored
  • Account lockout and duration: 3 attempts before a user is locked out; no time limit 

Foundation Cloud Community Portal:

  • Minimum password length: Configurable within the portal under Site Admin > Security Settings 
  • Password complexity: Configurable within the portal under Site Admin > Security Settings 
  • Password expiration: MFA expires after 30 days but passwords do not 
  • Password history: The database shows if the password is temporary or set up by an admin, but password set by the user are not stored 
  • Account lockout and duration: Configurable within the portal under Site Admin > Security Settings. Default is 3 attempts before a user is locked out; 20 minute duration 

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