1099 Vendor Report and Forms
  • 07 Feb 2024
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1099 Vendor Report and Forms

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1099 Vendor Report and Forms

This report lists 1099 vendors (those who have the 1099 checkbox selected on the Vendor tab) whose 1099 amounts exceed a user-defined minimum amount.

Once you run the report, you can print the 1099 forms for each of the qualifying 1099 vendors directly from the FIMS Viewer. One form is printed for each vendor, and includes the following information: Community Foundation Name, Address, and Federal ID Number; Vendor Name, Full Address, and Tax ID Number, and Total Amount. You can also export the data.

Note: You can access this report from anywhere in FIMS by selecting Reports > Accounts Payable > 1099 Vendor Report and Forms.

1099 Vendor Report Fields



ID Code

The 1099 Vendor’s ID code.


The 1099 Vendor’s Report Name.

Tax ID

The 1099 Vendor’s Tax ID number.

Check No.

The check number associated with each payment on the report.

Check Date

The date when the check was printed.

Apply To

The Voucher number that the check was applied to.


The total check amount for each check to a Vendor, followed by the grand total for each Vendor.

Prior to running the 1099 Vendor Report and Forms report:

A. Go to Accounts Payable and select Reports > Vendor Listing Report selecting on (Vendor) 1099 Flag = Yes  to double check and make sure all 1099 Vendors are identified.  All 1099 Vendors should have the 1099 box checked on their Vendor record.  Although checking that box on the Vendor record is not a requirement for the 1099 Vendor Report, it acts as a default for any Vouchers added for them.  Also, an accurate report is important for double checking information on the 1099 Report.

B. Run the Vendor History Report for the appropriate time period. You will be using this report to review all Vouchers for each 1099 Vendor from the Vendor Listing Report to determine if they are showing up appropriately on the 1099 Report.  

Running the 1099 Vendor Report

1. In Accounts Payable, select Reports > 1099 Vendor Report and Forms.
1099 Vendor Report and Forms Window

2. In the Report Selection Criteria section, do the following:

  • Click the arrow in the 1099s for Year drop-down box and select the year that you want to run 1099 forms for.
  • Enter the 1099 Lower Limit for the report. This is the amount that a vendor must exceed in order to receive a 1099 form.
  • If you only want to report on vendors that meet or exceed the 1099 Lower Limit, select the Exclude Vendors Under the Limit from Report checkbox. This checkbox is selected by default.
  • If you want to include any adjustments on the report, select the Include 1099 Adjustment Amounts checkbox. This works in conjunction with the 1099 adjustment field on the vendor record. This checkbox is cleared by default.

3. In the Fields for Form Creation section, verify that the correct Fed ID, Foundation Name, Address, and Phone Number appear for the organization. This information will appear at the top of any 1099 forms you create. This information should automatically fill in. If not, go to Tools > System Utilties > System Initial Setup > Name tab.

4. Configure the desired Selection and Sorting criteria as you would for any standard FIMS report and then click the Run Report button. If you would like to select on a specific Default 2099 box type in order to only print out results for certain vendors and grantees, then select on the (Grantee) Default 1099 Box.

  • Compare report against the Vendor Listing report and Vendor History Report.
  • If Vouchers are missing from the 1099 report, find them on the History tab in Accounts Payable and check the 1099 box and choose the appropriate box numbers on the line-item tab.
  • If Vouchers are on the report that should not be, find them on the History tab in Accounts Payable and un-check the 1099 box.
  •  If you need to modify an amount, use the 1099 adjustment field on the Vendor record to make an adjustment.
  • If you need to clear old 1099 adjustment amounts, use the utility under AP File Maintenance to Clear 1099 Adjustment Amounts. 
  • Rerun report as needed to confirm changes.

5. Once you verify that the information on the report is correct, click 1099 Forms on the FIMS Viewer menu bar to either preview or print your 1099 forms. You can also click Export on the menu bar to export the data from this report.

  • The report will print a 1099 for any posted Vendor payment that had the 1099 box selected at the Voucher level and has a box number filled in on the line-item level.
  • A 1099 will also print if there is an amount in the 1099 Adjustment field on the Vendor record and the use 1099 adjustment field was checked during report set-up.

Note: The 1099 check box on the Vendor record does not have to be selected for the report to run as long as the Voucher 1099 box is selected and the boxes on the line item are chosen correctly.

Note:  For Grantee related 1099's, the 1099 is issued to the Payee. The 1099's are based on the Payee ID code used for the Grant Application.   Because it is based on the Payee ID code, it uses the Payee name. If you retained a payee id, but modified the name and address for the check, the payee associated with the payee id will get the 1099 and not the true recipient of the payment.  See Can you print 1099s for payees that were not grantees? for some additional information.  

TIP: Profile User-Defined Codes and 1099 Forms

If you print a large number of 1099 forms, some of which use Box 3 and some which use Box 7, you can use Profile User-Defined Codes to determine which Vendors should receive which form. Refer to Maintaining Profile User-Defined Codes in the Profile Management module for more information about setting up User-Defined codes.

1. Create a Profile User-Defined code called 1099 Form that has Box 3 and Box 7 as options.

2. When you create Profile records for your Vendors who receive 1099 forms, select either Box 3 or Box 7 on the Profile 2 tab.

3. When you run the 1099 Vendor Report and Forms report, go to the Selections tab, select the 1099 Form field, and enter either Box 3 or Box 7 in both the From and Through fields (depending on which version of the form you are printing).

4. Run the report and print your forms as usual.

5. Repeat this process to print the other style of form, if necessary.


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