Access Denied when Accessing Promises Tab in the Gift Module
  • 11 Apr 2023
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Access Denied when Accessing Promises Tab in the Gift Module

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Article summary

Error, 'Access Denied' on the Promises tab in the Gift module occurs, even though both the Promises super tab and sub-tab have asterisks for Read and Write permissions. When viewing the User Permissions report, the gui\gifts\b-promis.w shows a list of users that does not match the security list in the Gift module.

Upon reviewing Menu Security, there does not appear to be anywhere there to be able to adjust the security for the Promises tab of the gift module. This also does not occur on the Promises tab in Profiles.

Steps To Duplicate:
1. Go to the Gifts Module
2. Click on the Promises tab
3. See the error, 'Permission Denied' occur.
You can do the following to get Promises data as needed:

1. In Reports\Donor reports there two reports you can run for Promises; Promises Report and Promises Export.

2. You can create a Promises data grid from Inquiries\Dynamic Data Grid using the Promise table.

To reset the permissions for the Promises tab so that it can be accessed, do the following:

1. Open Procedure Editor

  • Run FIMS but before selecting a database key “alt & F10”.  This will open the Procedure Editor.
  • Type in “RUN system\d-dbpick” without the quotes then Hit F1 to run.  Select the database and login using your FIMS user.  Hit the space bar.
  • Erase “RUN system\d-dbpick in the Procedure Editor window, but keep the window open.
2. In the Procedure Editor, type in the following exactly as written but without the quotes:
  • 'FOR EACH permission: DISPLAY permission EXCEPT access WITH STREAM-IO. END' then hit F1 to run.
  • Now, you will need to delete all permissions relating to Promises by typing in 'for each permission where activity MATCHES '*-prom*': DELETE permission. END' without the quotes and hit F1 to run.
3. Close the Procedure Editor window and select No on the question to save the buffer.
4. Log into FIMS and go to the Gifts module
5. Click on the Promises tab and you will now be able to access the Promises tab and can assign permissions as needed on the tab.

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