Account Tab (FACTS)
  • 19 Jul 2023
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Account Tab (FACTS)

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Article summary


Fund and Account Tracking System (FACTS)

The Account tab contains the basic information for the Investment Account record, including the Account Code, Name, Account Number, and Contact information for the bank that holds the account. You can use this tab to create Investment Account records for each account in FACTS. You should also enter an Initial Balance record for each account when you create a new Pool.

Refer to Creating Investment Account Records for more information.

In FACTS, each Investment Manager or Custodian is considered an Investment Account. When you set up FACTS, you must create an Investment Account record for every custodian and the beginning balances for each Investment Account record. The total Market Value of the investments must equal the total of the Fund assets in the Pool.

Account Tab Fields

NOTE: In addition to these fields, checking accounts have Balance and Date Reconciled fields. However, these fields do not apply to Investment Accounts and have no impact on FACTS.




Account Code


User-defined code (up to sixteen characters) that is used to identify the Investment Account.

TIP: Consider using the actual account number assigned by the bank as the Account Code.

NOTE: If you use the Autobuild FACTS Initial Fund Values utility to create the Investment Account record and the Pool is invested in a single custodian, the Account Code will be the same as the Pool ID.


Text entry field (up to six characters) that you can use to enter the type of Investment Account (for example, Bond, Stock, MnyMkt, or Fixed).

NOTE: You can subtotal the Consolidated Asset Allocation Report in General Ledger based on this field. Refer to Running the Consolidated Asset Allocation Report in the General Ledger module for more information.


The name that is used to identify the Investment Account throughout FIMS.

Address 1 -2

The first and second lines of the bank or investment firm’s address.

City, State, Zip

The bank or investment firm’s city, state, (two letter abbreviation), and zip code.


The name of the primary contact person for the Investment Account at the bank or investment firm.

Phone Number

The telephone number of the primary contact person at the bank or investment firm.

Account Tax ID

The Tax ID number for the selected account.



The unique code (up to six characters) that identifies the Pool where the Investment Account resides.



Checkbox that indicates whether the Investment Account is part of a FACTS Pool.

NOTE: You must select this checkbox if the account is part of a Pool. If you clear it, no transactions will flow from General Ledger to FACTS.

This checkbox should only be cleared for checking accounts that are not reconciled in FACTS.

Initial Balance

Use this button to create the accounts initial investment account balance record. Refer to Creating Investment Account Records for more information.

Bank Account Number

The actual account number assigned by the bank or investment firm.


The name of the custodian.

Date Opened

The date when the account was opened.

Date Closed

The date when the account was closed.

Leave this field blank if the account is open.

NOTE: Closed accounts will not appear in the Reconciliation Data Grid.

Check Routing Number

The routing number for the bank, as you want it to appear on checks printed from this account.

NOTE: This field is only available for checking accounts (and only if you print on blank check stock). It has no impact on FACTS processing.


The check info number, as you want it to appear on checks printed from this account.

NOTE: This field is only available for checking accounts (and only if you print on blank check stock). It has no impact on FACTS processing.


The total account balance for the selected account as of the Date Reconciled.

NOTE: This field is only available for checking accounts. It has no impact on FACTS processing.

Date Reconciled

The date when the account was last reconciled.

NOTE: This field is only available for checking accounts. It has no impact on FACTS processing.


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