Accounts Data Grid (General Ledger)
  • 20 Jul 2023
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Accounts Data Grid (General Ledger)

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You are here: General Ledger > Parts of the Screen - General Ledger > Accounts Supertab (General Ledger) > Accounts Data Grid (General Ledger)

Accounts Data Grid (General Ledger)

The Accounts Data Grid lists General Ledger Account records (the Chart of Accounts). The Chart of Accounts can change from year to year, and you can filter the Data Grid based on a specific Fiscal Year and Period.

The Debit and Credit columns for each account also work as a type of Trial Balance inquiry.

To find a specific account for a particular Fund, select the desired fiscal Year and through Period, and then enter the Fund ID and the natural Account number in the segment fields above the Data Grid section of the window.

NOTE: You can also enter a natural account number in the Account field to see a list of all Funds that use the selected account.

Accounts Data Grid

Accounts Data Grid Tips
  • To clear all of the selection criteria at any time, place the cursor in any segment field and press F8 on your keyboard.
  • To refresh the accounts that appear in the Data Grid based on new selections, click on the A/Z button to the immediate right of the G/L Account fields.
  • If you need help finding a Fund ID (particularly common when Fund ID’s are numeric), place your cursor in the Fund ID segment field and click select Inquiries > Lookup Fund ID. Once you locate the Fund ID and select it, it will automatically populate the Fund ID field in the Data Grid.

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