Accounts Payable Menus
  • 23 Apr 2024
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Accounts Payable Menus

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Accounts Payable Menus

The Accounts Payable module has several module-specific menu options on the Reports menu and File Maintenance menu.

Note: Refer to FIMS Menus in the Introduction for more information on general FIMS menus.

Accounts Payable Reports Menu

This section provides a brief description of each available report and export available for Accounts Payable. Refer to the Accounts Payable Reports chapter in the FIMS Reports Guide for more information and examples of these reports, as well as others you can run in FIMS.

Menu Option


Payment Selection Report

Runs a report that allows you to review the payables that are due before actually printing checks.

NOTE: You can run this report from the Reports menu or from the Processes tab on the Open Items super tab. Refer to Processing Open Items in Accounts Payable for more information.

Vendor Listing

Runs a report that lists Vendors and/or Grantees along with their name and address information.

Aged Trial Balance

Runs a report that allows you to view all of your open Vouchers by Vendor and age them into thirty-day categories (0-30, 31-60, 61-90, or 91+).

This is useful because it allows you to verify that you are paying your vendors promptly.

You can either run this report as a summary or detailed report. The summary displays one line for each vendor, with the total amount due in each age category. The detailed report includes information about each Voucher that is outstanding for a vendor.

Cash Requirements

Runs a report that lists the payments that are due during three selected time frames and for the future (after the last defined time period).

Check Register

Runs a report that lists all checks that were written and any checks that were voided, based on your selection criteria.

You can run the report for administrative checks, all Grant checks, scholarship Grant checks, non-scholarship Grant checks, or all checks.

It can be useful to run this report for a specific time frame so that you can use it to reconcile with your bank statement.

1099 Vendor Report and Forms

Runs a report that lists 1099 Vendors (those who have the 1099 checkbox selected on the Vendor tab) whose 1099 amounts exceed a user-defined minimum amount.

NOTE: You will be able to select the report format prior to running the report.  Once you run the report, you can print the 1099 forms for each of the qualifying 1099 Vendors directly from the FIMS Viewer.

Vendor History

Runs a report that lists the Vouchers that have been paid for a specified vendor or Grantee.

Payables by Fund

Runs a report that provides total outstanding Voucher amounts for each fund based on three selected time frames and for the future.

A/P Voucher Line Item History

Runs a report that lists selected Vouchers and all of the line items attached to each Voucher.

Payables as of a Past Date – Fund Detail

Runs a report that lists the payables that were due on a past date that are still in Open Items (have not yet been paid) along with information about the fund(s) that the payments will be made from.

1099 Vendor Report w/ Fund Information

Runs a report that lists 1099 Vendors (those who have the 1099 checkbox selected on the Vendor tab) along with information about the fund(s) that are associated with them.

Note: You will be able to select the report format prior to running the report.  Once you run the report, you can print the 1099 forms for each of the qualifying 1099 Vendors directly from the FIMS Viewer.

Tip: This report is almost identical to the 1099 Vendor Report and Forms report except that it also includes Fund information.

Void Checks Report

Runs a report that list all voided checks, along with information about the original payment.

Outstanding Grants by Fund

Runs a report that list all of the outstanding (unpaid) Grants for a selected beginning and ending date, along with any Grants that were approved or paid during the selected time frame.

Grants Payment Selection by Fund Report

Runs a report that Runs a report that allows you to review the payables that are due for each Fund before actually printing checks.

Grants Only Check Register

Runs a report that lists all of the checks that were printed for Grants and Scholarships.

Accounts Payable File Maintenance Menu

This section provides a basic description of the File Maintenance menu options. Refer to File Maintenance – Accounts Payable for more information on maintaining these files.

Menu Option


Recurring Vouchers from Fund Distributions

Opens the Recurring Vouchers from Fund Distributions utility, which allows you to automatically create new administrative Vouchers based on the Action Date of your Fund Distribution records.

Refer to Creating Administrative Vouchers from Fund Distributions for more information.

Refer to Creating Fund Distribution Records in the Fund Management module for more information about setting up your Distributions.

Apply Debit Memos

Allows you to link unapplied Debit Memos to an administrative Open Item (payable).

An unapplied debit memo may be created in Voucher Entry (for example, representing a credit on account with a vendor).

Refer to Applying Debit Memos to Open Items for more information.

Change Vendor for Voucher History

Allows you to change the Vendor (and optionally, the Payee) associated with an historical Voucher.

Refer to Changing Vendors for Voucher History for more information.

Unused Check Void

Allows you to void checks that were never printed and were lost or destroyed.

Refer to Voiding Unused Checks for more information.

Delete Old Check Rec Transactions

Allows you to delete transactions that occurred prior to a selected date.

Check reconciliation transactions are automatically created for every payment and void created in A/P. It can be useful to clear out old transactions that will form the Opening Bank Balance from which reconciliation will proceed when the Reconciliation system is initiated.

Refer to Deleting Old Check Reconciliation Transactions for more information.

Check Renumbering Utility

Allows you to correct the check numbers in your register (for example, if you enter an incorrect beginning check number when you print checks, or if you enter an incorrect Hand Check number).

Refer to Renumbering Checks for more information.

Update Future Years Accounts

Allows you to change the date when future years start to the next year. When you do this, FIMS searches the database and pulls any payables and expenses with the current year’s date out of the future years account(s) and adds them to the account(s) for the current year.

Refer to Updating Future Years Accounts for more information.

Clear 1099 Adjustment Amounts

Allows you to automatically remove the 1099 Adjustment amount from all Grantee and Vendor records in FIMS.

Refer to Clearing 1099 Adjustment Amounts for more information.

Import / Update Cleared Check Data

Allows you to use a 3-column spreadsheet to bring cleared check data into FIMS and update any matching data (by check number and check amount) with the information from the spreadsheet.

Refer to Importing / Updating Cleared Check Data for more information.

A/P Code Maintenance

Opens a sub-menu where you can select from a list of code tables that you want to update, including Terms, Vendor Class, and Void Reason.

Refer to Maintaining FIMS Codes in the Introduction for more information.

Short Cuts

Opens a sub-menu that allows you to create a new Profile, Vendor, or A/P Item.

Note: These options perform the same function as clicking the buttons on the Accounts Payable Toolbar.


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