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Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0113' Script timed out /admin_statement_upload.asp The maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceeded. - While doing a Donor Central statement upload
I'm attempting to upload the quarterly statements to Donor Central however I'm getting a time out message:
Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0113'
Script timed out
The maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceeded. You can change this limit by specifying a new value for the property Server.ScriptTimeout or by changing the value in the IIS administration tools.
Most likely the file you're attempting to upload is too large. The solution is to break the statement upload into smaller pieces (we have found zip files around 20 MB are best) and upload those. The utility attached to this article is for the purposes of breaking up a zip file into smaller pieces when it is large enough to cause a timeout error when uploading it to Donor Central.
Step 1: Download the zip file attached to this article
When you download a zip file, it can be "blocked" and to unblock it you need to right click on the zip file, go to properties, and check unblock box.
Step 2: Extract the zip file
- Right click on the file and select Extract All…
- Select the location and click on Extract.
- Once completed, two files should appear in the folder selected.
Step 3: Run the application
Double click on the Application file 'MicroEdge.DonorCentral.StatementZipSplitter.exe' and follow the steps as indicated in the utility:
- Select the large statement zip file
- Select the output directory folder for the smaller zip files
- Adjust the maximum file size if desired
- Click the button to split the large zip file.
Step 4: Use the split zip files that were exported.
Upload the new zip files to Donor Central separately. They should be small enough upload successfully. If they produce another timeout error, try running the utility again but select a smaller Max File Size.