Activity Tab
  • 08 Nov 2023
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Activity Tab

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Article summary

Activity Tab

The Activity tab displays a list of all transaction activities associated with the Security (for example, when the Security was acquired, any unposted proceeds that have been recorded, and any posted proceeds that have been recorded).

The top section of the window displays basic Gift information, the initial acquired shares, and the shares that are currently held.

NOTE: This tab is for informational purposes only. You cannot edit any of the fields.


Activity Tab


Activity Tab Fields



Fund ID

The Fund ID for the Fund that received the Stock Gift.

Gift #

The Gift number associated with the Stock Gift.

Acquire Shares / Price / Value

The total number of shares acquired, along with the price per share and total value of the shares as of the acquisition date.

Current Shares / Price / Value

The current number of shares held, along with the price per share and total value of the shares as of the last activity date.


The type of transaction (for example, Acquire, Unposted Proceeds, or Proceeds).


The date when the transaction took place.


The total value of the shares included in the transaction.


The total number of shares included in the transaction.



The price per share of the shares included in the transaction.


Indicates whether the selected transaction has been posted (yes or no).


The reference, deposit, or confirmation number for the transaction.

Show Revaluations

Checkbox that indicates whether you want to show or hide revaluation actions on this tab.


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