Add a Profile’s Address and Salutation to a Word Document
  • 14 Aug 2023
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Add a Profile’s Address and Salutation to a Word Document

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Add a Profile’s Address and Salutation to a Word Document

FIMS allows you to copy a Profile’s address and salutation and paste them into a Word document with the click of a button. This is especially useful when you want to send a letter to just one person instead of creating a bulk mailing.

1. In FIMS, open the Profile Management module, and then open the Profile whose address and salutation you want to copy.

2. Make sure the Profile 1 tab is selected, and then click the Copy Address button (looks like a clipboard) next to the Address2 field.

Note: If the Profile has an alternate address that you want to use instead of the default address, click the Alternate Address tab, and then click the Copy Address button.

3. Open a Microsoft Word document.

4. In Word, either right-click and choose Paste from the options, or click the Paste button (looks like a clipboard) on the toolbar. The Profile’s default address and salutation are pasted into the document.


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