Add/Modify Detail Sections
  • 09 Oct 2023
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Add/Modify Detail Sections

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Article summary

Add/Modify Detail Sections

Detail sections, such as Gift Detail or Grant Detail, contain multiple related data items that must be added or modified at the same time.

NOTE: To edit an existing detail section on the statement layout, simply click on it.

To add or modify a detail section, do the following:

  1. Click Add/Modify Detail Section on top.
  2. From the drop-down menu, select a section to add or modify.

Detail groups already on the layout will say ‘Exists’ while new ones you can add will say ‘Create’.

  • If you select an ‘Exists’ section, you will have Edit, Remove, or Cancel options.
  • If you select a ‘Create’ section, you will have Add or Cancel options.

NOTE: There is no confirmation prompt for the Remove action.


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