Administrative Fee Report is Blank in FIMS 14.72
  • 19 Jan 2023
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Administrative Fee Report is Blank in FIMS 14.72

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Article summary

After upgrading to 14.72, when I normally go into "Edit and Post Administrative Fees" to run and post my Admin Fees, I load a default profile with settings I've saved previously. However, when I run it, my Administrative Fee Report comes back blank when there is normally information about Admin Fees to be posted.

Steps To Duplicate:
  1. Go to the Funds Module
  2. Click the Processes Tab
  3. Run "Edit and Post Administrative Fees"
  4. Click on Defaults button
  5. Select an Option and click "Load Selection"
  6. Click OK and Run Report
  7. The document comes back with no information.


This is fixed in FIMS 14.73

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