Affiliations Tab (Profiles)
  • 24 Jun 2024
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Affiliations Tab (Profiles)

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Article summary

Affiliations Tab (Profiles)

The Affiliations tab lists all of the Affiliation codes (and groups) attached to a Profile (and allows you to add more Affiliations to the record or remove existing ones). The list of available codes appears in the left-hand pane on the tab and the list of attached codes appears in the right-hand pane.

Affiliation codes indicate how a Profile record is affiliated with the organization and identify Profiles as part of a group for reporting or mailing. For example, these codes could identify a Profile as part of the Finance Committee or Board of Directors. You can tag a Profile with as many Affiliation codes as you wish.

When you run reports or create mailings (Profile reports and some Gift and Grant reports), you can use Affiliation codes to select a group of Profiles that you want to include or exclude.

Note: You can modify the list of available Affiliation codes. You can also create groups of Affiliation codes that allow you to send mailings to similar Profiles by selecting the group code instead of several individual codes. Refer to Maintaining Affiliation Codes for more information.

Affiliations Tab

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