All zeros when exporting quarters for spending policy calculation
  • 04 Jun 2023
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All zeros when exporting quarters for spending policy calculation

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Article summary

When I choose to export the quarterly balances I get 0's in the fund balance columns instead of their values.  How can I compare the calculation if the values are not there?

When you export the quarterly balances, the fund balances that will export are based on the year you are applying your spending.  If you are testing things out, but using upcoming year values, chances are the general ledger has not yet been built for that year.

If you choose to run the end of year closing process to create your next year ledger, remember that if you have the run automatic end of year processing option set, the end of year closing process will run for all GL postings.

If you do not want this happening, but want to test out some spending policy scenarios, we suggest you copy your live to your test & learn database, run end of year closing in the test & learn database and test your calculations in that environment.

In the following set-up, the 2017 fiscal or calendar year must have a GL in order to have fund balances export:

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