A/P Activity Tab (Grant Application History)
  • 09 Oct 2023
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A/P Activity Tab (Grant Application History)

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Article summary

A/P Activity Tab (Grant Application History)

The A/P Activity tab displays the complete payment history of the selected Grant.

You can choose to view the information by Voucher or by Voucher with Fund. If you view the information by Voucher, the top section displays the Open Items that are created when the Voucher is posted in Accounts Payable, along with information about any adjustments, and the bottom section displays the Open Items along with any payments, debit memos, voids, or Refunds that are associated with each item. If you view the information by Voucher with Fund, the same information is displayed, but additional Fund and G/L account information is added to the bottom section.

If the Payment Plan includes payments on multiple dates (from a single Fund), the upper Data Grid will list a Voucher for each scheduled pay date, corresponding to the Open Items that will be created in A/P. If the Payment Plan includes two or more lines with the same pay date, but different Funds, the A/P page display can be varied using the View By option.

If the Grant has not been posted in Accounts Payable or if it has been posted but not paid, a message will appear at the bottom of the tab in place of the bottom data grid.

A/P Activity Tab (View by Voucher)

A/P Activity Tab (View by Voucher with Fund)

A/P Activity Fields (Top Section)




The line item Voucher number for the Voucher created in Accounts Payable.

Date Scheduled

The date when the line item was scheduled in the Application payment plan.

Note: In most cases this date is the same as the one originally entered, however, it is possible that that date was changed after the Grant was posted (before the Voucher was posted to Open Items).

Fund ID

The Fund ID for the Fund that is paying the Grant.

Fund Name

The name of the Fund that is paying the Grant.


The amount of the payment that is due on the selected date.

Amount Due

The amount that has not yet been paid for the selected payment line.


A description of any adjustment that has been made to the selected payment line. If no adjustments have been made, this field remains blank.

Void / Unvoid Information

Displays information and dates of any voids / unvoids associated with the selected payment line.

A/P Activity Fields (Bottom Section)

Note: The fields in this section apply specifically to the Voucher or payment line you select in the top section. The total of individual item Amounts will equal the Amount Due of the selected Voucher or Payment Line.




A list of the activities associated with the Voucher selected in the top section. Available activity types include Grant, Payment, Debit, Void, and Refund.

Note: Refund is only available when you view activity by Voucher with Fund.


For payments and voids, this is the check number. For debit memos, this is the Item number in Accounts Payable.


The amount of the Grant, payment, debit, void, or Refund.


The date when the selected activity took place.

Note: The meaning of this date varies depending on the activity Type. Refer to Interpreting the Date on the A/P Activity Tab at the end of this section for more information.

Invoice No.

The invoice number associated with the payment.


The Fund ID for the Fund that is paying the Grant.

Note: This field is only available when you view activity by Voucher with Fund.

Debit Account

The G/L debit account associated with the activity.

Note: This field is only available when you view activity by Voucher with Fund.

Credit Account

The G/L credit account associated with the activity.

Note: This field is only available when you view activity by Voucher with Fund.


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