A/P Voucher Line Item History Report
  • 23 Aug 2023
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A/P Voucher Line Item History Report

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Article summary

A/P Voucher Line Item History Report

This report provides a list of Vouchers and all of the line items attached to each Voucher. You can select the Vouchers that you want to view based on a range of Funds, Account Numbers, Payees, or Dates.

NOTE: You can access this report from anywhere in FIMS by selecting Reports > Accounts Payable > A/P Voucher Line-Item History.

A/P Voucher Line-Item History Report


A/P Voucher Line Item History Report Fields




The Payee’s report name.


The original Voucher number.

NOTE: If a Voucher has several line items, each line item will have the same Voucher number.

G/L Acct Key

The full General Ledger account key for the expense account associated with the line item.

Invoice No.

The number on the Vendor’s invoice.

NOTE: For Grant Vouchers, this number will be the same as the Grant number.


A brief description of the goods or services being paid for.

NOTE: For Grant Vouchers, this field is generally the same as the Program Name from the Grant application.


The amount that is due for the selected line item.

Invoice Date

The date on the Vendor’s invoice. The default value is today’s date.

NOTE: This field is not required for Grant Vouchers, but the field is automatically populated based on the Grant Date.

This date is the default G/L Apply Date for the Voucher and determines the period when the liability will post.

Running the A/P Voucher Line-Item History Report

  1. In the Accounts Payable module, select Reports > A/P Voucher Line-Item History. The Line Item History Selection window opens.
    Line Item History Selection Window
  2. (Optional) If you want to view Vouchers and line items for a specific Fund (or group of Funds), enter the desired Fund Range.
  3. (Optional) If you want to view Vouchers and line items that use a specific expense account, enter the GL Accounts range.
  4. (Optional) If you want to view Vouchers and line items for a specific Payee, enter the range of Payee ID Codes.
  5. Enter the Date Range for Vouchers that you want to include on the report.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Verify the Send To destination, and then click the Run Report button.

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