Application History Export w/Fund Rep
  • 19 Sep 2023
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Application History Export w/Fund Rep

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Article summary

Application History Export w/Fund Rep

This export is similar to the Unposted Application Export w/ Fund Rep except that it is based on posted applications. If an application has a payment plan with more than one line item, each line item will produce an export record. This export also includes information about the Fund representative for each application.

When you run the report, there are two additional tabs on the FIMS Report Selections window – Fund Rep Affiliations and Fund Rep Mailing.

You can use the data file from this export to create donor advised award letters where you want to provide the Grantee with the name and address of the donor advisor.

Keep in mind that some Donors will be anonymous or prefer not to be contacted. You can create a conditional merge based on the Grant Letter code in the Fund record that can produce a slightly different letter depending on whether the Donor wants to receive a formal appreciation, or not, or if they want to remain anonymous.

Refer to Using FIMS with Microsoft Office for more information on using mail merge, and call FIMS Support for help with setting up the conditional merge.

Refer to the Unposted Application Export w/ Fund Rep for a complete list of the exported fields and more information on running the export.

NOTE: You can access this export from anywhere in FIMS by selecting Reports > Grants > Application History Reports > Application History Export w/ Fund Rep.

Click Run Report after making desired selections on the different tabs:

Secondary Application History Export

The Secondary Application History export eliminates the need to delete redundant letters to the same person that are created via the original Application History Export w/Fund Rep. The secondary file that this option creates (app2.txt) contains one record per Fund Rep ID code, the subtotal of the Grants based on Fund Rep ID code, and a count.

You can use this second file to create one letter for each Fund Representative and insert a detailed list of Grants into the body of the letter via the Insert Database technique with the first file (app.txt). Refer to Using FIMS Export Files or Saved Report Files to Create a Formatted Report in Word in the Using FIMS with Microsoft Office chapter for more information. 

Enabling the Secondary Application History Export

NOTE: Please contact FIMS Support for help enabling this export.

1. Select Tools > System Utilities > System Options. The System Options window opens.

2. Click the Editor tab.
Editor Tab

3. In the [System] section, enter Secondary-Exports=yes.

4. Click OK.

5. Close and re-open FIMS. 

Running the Secondary Application History Export

1. Select Reports > Application History Reports > Application History Export w/ Fund Rep.

2. On the Sorting tab, select Fund Rep IdCode.

3. Select the Secondary Export checkbox.

4. Run the export. A File Selection window opens, where you can enter the path and file name where you want to save the secondary export file.

5. When the export is finished, you will see two confirmation windows – one for each export.

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