Applications Data Grid (Grants)
  • 12 Apr 2023
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Applications Data Grid (Grants)

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Article summary


You are here: Grants > Parts of the Screen – Grantee and Grant Management > Applications (Grants) > Applications Data Grid (Grants)

Applications Data Grid (Grants)

The Applications Data Grid provides a list of all unposted Grant Applications. You can use this data grid to verify that an Application does not already exist before you enter a new one.

You can sort the list by Grant Number, ID Code & Grant Number, Sort Name, or Board Date.

Note: There are two Find fields on this data grid: Find Application and Find Grantee. You can enter an Application number in the Find Application field and click the View Application button to open it. You can enter a Grantee’s ID code in the Find Grantee field and click the Go to Grantee button to locate the first of the Grantee’s Applications in the grid.

Applications Data Grid


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