Assessed Value is Zero When Running Administrative Fees
  • 01 Feb 2023
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Assessed Value is Zero When Running Administrative Fees

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Article summary

When editing and posting administrative fees, the assessed value is zero even though the fund does have a balance and should be getting fees.

This can occur for several reasons. Here are some items to check to see why your administrative fees are calculating to 0:

1. Check and see if the Fund Balance is in the investment account in the pool. If the balances are not there and are in some other account like a cash account that is not in a pool, then no fees or other allocations will be calculated for that fund. This can occur with new funds where the balances were not moved into the investment account.

2. Check the Administrative Fee setup for the fee code in question in Fund Code maintenance to be sure it is set up correctly. See the following document on setting up Administrative Fee codes:

Administrative Fee Codes

3. Make sure that the fee code Frequency is NOT set to Never. On the Main Options radial button of the fee code, make sure that the frequency is NOT set to Never. If it is, the fee will not calculate. If you are using Asset Based, Transaction Based or Annual Minimum fee configurations on the other radial buttons you can leave the Base fee and the Minimum fee set to 0.00 if you like but the Frequency has to be set to a value other than Never:

4. Check the fund\funds in question and make sure that they have a admin fee code set for them. This is located on the Fund1 tab of the Fund record.

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