Automatically Creating Grant Applications
  • 18 Jul 2023
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Automatically Creating Grant Applications

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You are here: Grants > File Maintenance – Grantees and Grants > Automatically Creating Grant Applications

Automatically Creating Grant Applications

If you award certain Grants annually or on some other recurring schedule, with certain consistent variations by batch (for example, new dates) and only minimal individual variations (for example, the Grant Amount), you can use the Auto-Create Grant Applications utility rather than manually entering each recurring Grant.

1. In the Grantee and Grant Management Module, select File Maintenance > Auto-Create Grant Applications. The standard FIMS Report Selections window opens.

2. Use the fields on the Selections tab (based on Application History) to determine the Applications that you want to copy. For example, you could base the new Applications on the Grant Number or a Batch Code.

3. Click the Run Report button to run the Auto-Create Grant Applications report, which lists all of the historic Applications that match your selection criteria.
Example: Auto-Create Grant Applications Report

4. Click Create Applications on the FIMS Viewer menu bar to automatically create a new Application based on each Application in the report. The Create Applications from History window opens.
Create Applications from History Window

5. Click the arrow in each drop-down box to determine whether you want to keep the value from the historic Application, or update it.NOTE: If you choose to update a value, another field will appear to the right of the value. For example, if you want to use a new date for the Grant Date, a New Grant Date field will appear, where you can enter the new date.
6. Once you set up the new values for each field, do the following:

  • Select either the Contact Name and Address from Profile or Contact Name and Address from History radio button to determine where to pull the contact information for the new Application.
  • Select either the Payee/Fiscal Sponsor Name, Address, and ACH from Profile or Payee/Fiscal Sponsor Name, Address, and ACH from History radio button to determine where to pull the Payee and ACH information for the new Application.

7. If you want to include any notes from the historic Application in the new Application, select the Copy Grant Notes checkbox. This checkbox is selected by default.

8. Click the Create button. A message appears to inform you that the new Application(s) were created and provides the beginning and ending Grant Number for the new Applications.

Tip: Copying Single Applications from History

If you want to copy a single Application from history, do the following:

1. Click the Application History super tab and use the data grid to locate the Application that you want to copy.

2. Click the Copy button on the tool bar. A message appears to inform you that you cannot copy Applications in history and ask if you want to create an unposted Application based on the selected Application.

3. Click Yes. The Create Applications from History window opens.

4. This window is identical to the one that opens when you choose to automatically create Grant Applications. Follow the remaining steps for Automatically Creating Grant Applications above to complete the process.


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