Available to Grant Report
  • 17 May 2023
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Available to Grant Report

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Article summary


You are here: FIMS Other Features > Reports > Grantee and Grant Reports > Available to Grant Report

Available to Grant Report

This report provides an overview of money that is available to Grant from the selected Fund(s). A grand total of the available dollars and available to Grant for all Funds appears at the end of the report.

NOTE: In order to use this report, you must create at least one Fund Distribution record for each Fund you want to see in the report. Refer to Creating Fund Distribution Records in the Fund Management module for more information.

NOTE: You can access this report from anywhere in FIMS by selecting Reports > Grants > Available to Grant Report.

Available to Grant Report


Available to Grant Report Fields



Fund ID

The Fund ID code.

Fund Sort Name

The Fund’s sort name.

Dist Num

The number that identifies each distribution record for a given Fund.


A description of the Fund’s Subtype code.

Area of Interest

A description of the Fund’s Interest code.

Alloc. %

The percentage of the total Fund amount that is allocated to the selected Fund distribution.

Available Dollars

The total amount of available dollars in the Fund.

Available to Grant

The total amount that is available to Grant from each Fund distribution.


Running the Available to Grant Report

  1. In the Grantee and Grant Management module, select Reports > Available to Grants Report. The Available to Grant Selection Criteria window opens.

    Available to Grant Selection Criteria window
  2. Enter the Fiscal Year and Period that you want to use as the basis for your report.
  3. Select the Calculation Method that you want to use to determine the amount that is available to Grant:
  • Single Fund Balance: Runs the report based on the Fund balance you select (0 – 3).
  • Grant Budget: Runs the report based on the Fund’s Grant budget for the selected year and period.
  • Fund’s Cash Requirement Data: Runs the report based on the cash requirement calculation net of the admin fee. These amounts can be viewed by running the Cash Requirements Report.
  • Available to Spend Calculation: Runs the report based on each Fund’s Available to Spend calculation.
  1. Click OK.
  2. Configure the desired Selection and Sorting criteria as you would for any standard FIMS report and then click the Run Report button.

NOTE: If you have more than one Fund Distribution record for a particular Fund, divided by percentage allocations, and you run the report later in the year, the amounts in the last column may not be accurate. This report is best run at the beginning of the year after spendable amounts for each Fund have been calculated and recorded in FIMS. After some distributions are awarded, the report will not recognize which distribution was awarded. For example, if a Fund has two distribution records and one of the distributions has been awarded, the report will show the total remaining amount in Available Dollars and divide that by the Allocation percentages.

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