Beginning Balances are not Showing for My Fund Statement that Crosses Fiscal Years
  • 16 Apr 2024
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Beginning Balances are not Showing for My Fund Statement that Crosses Fiscal Years

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Article summary

I created a fund statement that crosses fiscal years but the beginning balance shows all zeros, how can I fix that?


Please see the following on how to set up statements that cross fiscal years:
Can you create a fund statement that crosses fiscal years?

To fix the issue where beginning balances are not showing for these types of fund statements, see the following:

1. Go to the General Ledger Module\Design Statements
2. Highlight the statement you are using
3. Go to the Row Format tab. For the Row with the beginning balances, typically row 1, put A in the Print Columns field so that the beginning balance prints in column A:

4. In the field for Ending Balances put B in that field: 

5. Go to the Column format tab
6. Edit the Period tab for the first column and only put in the period number for the first month of the period of the previous year you are working with in that column:

In this example, the data is pulling July-December of the previous year and the 2nd column is January-June of the current year. Since period 7, July, is the first period of the previous year we are trying to capture we put 7 in that field so that the beginning balance of that period will be brought in: 

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