Calculation Source: Pool Market Value
    • 29 Nov 2023
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    Calculation Source: Pool Market Value

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    Calculation Source: Pool Market Value

    Note: The following procedure shows the fields for calculating using the Standard method. If you choose to Compare Spending Policy methods, there will be an additional Evaluation Method field and two Spending Policy fields that open next to the Fund fields. You can choose the policies that you want to compare and then choose either Min or Max to determine whether to apply the minimum or the maximum of the two values.

    To calculate a spending policy based on Pool Market Value:

    1. From anywhere in FIMS, select View > Spending Policy > Spending Policy Calculations.

    2. In the Calculation Source section, select the Pool Market Value radio button.

    3. Click the arrow in the Pool drop-down box and select the pool that you want to use as the basis for your calculation.

    4. Enter the Year to Apply Spending Policyto determine which year’s Fund summary history records will hold the calculated Cash Requirement values.

    5. Select the Rounding method you want to use: Dollar, Penny, Ten Dollars, or One Hundred Dollars.

    6. (Optional) In the Funds From / Through fields, enter the desired range of Fund ID codes.

    7. In the Spending Policy From / Through fields, enter the code or range of codes associated with the desired Funds.

    8. Click OK to open the Spending Policy Calculation report in the FIMS Viewer.

    9. Review the report to make sure it is correct, and then click Create Spending Policy on the FIMS Viewer toolbar. 


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