Can I commit Fieldmaker in Demo Database without affecting the Live database?
  • 22 Dec 2022
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Can I commit Fieldmaker in Demo Database without affecting the Live database?

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Article summary

I would like to test some Fieldmaker fields in the demo database, can I set those up and commit Fieldmaker in demo without affecting live database?


You can make any changes in demo to Fieldmaker without affecting live data.

  1. Copy live to demo if not already done
  2. Recommit Fieldmaker immediately in demo before making any changes to FM fields in demo. The reason to do this is because doing so will unlink the demo database from the live database
  3. Then in demo, add any fields or changes to Fieldmaker that you would like to test
  4. Then Recommit Fieldmaker in Demo commit those changes and test those fields

The key is committing Fieldmaker in demo immediately after copying live to demo to unlink the the databases and then from there you can make changes in demo FM fields.

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