Can I stack the words for column labels in data grids?
  • 02 Feb 2023
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Can I stack the words for column labels in data grids?

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Article summary

You can stack the words for column labels so they appear on top of one another instead of next to one another in the column header.

If you want to stack the words for column labels so they appear on top of one another instead of next to one another in the column header, follow these steps.  
  1. Go into View Settings
  2. Select your data grid 
  3. Click on the Columns tab
  4. In the Label field on the right, add an exclamation point between words you want to stack
  5. That will act like a line feed/carriage return in the column labels
You might want to do this if you have a very small code or other short text as data, but a very long column heading and you want the label to be closer in width to the code or data value.

Example: Program Area.  If you put "Program!Area" in the Label field of the data grid setup on the Columns tab you will get Program above Area in the display.

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