Can you save your report or procedure settings permanently?
  • 02 Feb 2023
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Can you save your report or procedure settings permanently?

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Article summary

Many reports and procedures can be saved as defaults or saved reports.

Many reports and exports have a Saved Reports tab or a button that says Defaults .  You can use these to save the setup of your report, export, or procedure, so you don't have to remember how you had run it prior.   You can simply load the Saved Report or Default settings and run the report, export, or procedure.  This also saves time.

Saved Reports: When running a report or export, fill out all the screens and tabs, then click on the Saved Reports tab click Add, enter a name for your report or export, and click OK.  This saves the setup criteria before you run the report or export.  

Defaults: To save the setup on a procedure (e.g. Administrative Fee Calculation or import routine), after filling in the initial screen, click on the Defaults button, click Add, enter a name for the procedure, then click OK.  This saves the setup criteria before you run the procedure.  

Saving the settings before running a standard export, user-defined export, or import is especially important since neither process has a rerun capability.  It's extremely likely that you will want to run the procedure again either because of an error on setup, or because it's a routine you'll run again on a regular basis.  

To re-use the saved settings, open the report, export or process and click the Saved Report tab or Defaults button and select the item you want to run.  Click Load Selection .  After loading, review all the tabs or procedure screen to confirm what you've loaded.  Take special note of any date range selections since those will likely change over time.  You can change any settings you've loaded before running the report, export, or procedure.  

If you change settings you've loaded and would like to save that change, go to the Saved Reports tab or Defaults button, select the name of the saved setting and click Update .  This will over-write any existing settings that are associated with that name.  

You can also Rename your Saved Report or procedure setup, Delete it, or Clear Selections if you loaded the wrong one.  

Automatic loading of Saved Reports or Defaults: If you set up a Saved Report or the Defaults button for a procedure, and name it default , the saved criteria will automatically load without having to click Load Selection.  This is especially useful for baseline criteria that you typically always want to select for a particular report, export, or procedure (e.g. selecting by a Grant Date range for a Grant Report).  

User Tip: Add a Saved Report called default for Fund Reports that will automatically exclude retired funds.  To do this select on (Fund) Date Inactive and leave the From and Through fields blank.

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