Cannot hide DIALOG-BOX F-stop while DIALOG-BOX Dialog-Frame is currently active. (4113)
  • 01 Jun 2023
  • Contributors
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Cannot hide DIALOG-BOX F-stop while DIALOG-BOX Dialog-Frame is currently active. (4113)

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Article summary

When uploading documents to DonorCentral, users may encounter the error "Cannot hide DIALOG-BOX F-stop while DIALOG-BOX Dialog-Frame is currently active. (4113)"



This issue is addressed in FIMS 14.75 

Steps To Duplicate

  1. Save document as PDF
  2. Login to FIMS
  3. Open Grants module
  4. Click Application history tab
  5. Search for grant
  6. Open grant
  7. Drag and drop PDF file to Grant/Grantee folder
  8. Click Create and Upload to DC button
  9. Click OK > Get error

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