Change Fund ID Codes
  • 09 Oct 2023
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Change Fund ID Codes

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Article summary

Change Fund ID Codes

Once you save a Fund record, its Fund ID code becomes read-only. The Change Fund ID Code utility allows you to change the code after you save the Fund record.

Tip: Because this utility affects a large number of records in FIMS, you should make sure that no one else is working in the system before you run it.

Note: You may need to run this utility if you make changes to Fund Class assignments in the Master Chart. If a Fund already has a particular G/L account, running this utility again will not create duplicate accounts – it will only add any accounts that are be missing. Refer to the Maintaining the Master Chart of Accounts in the General Ledger module for more information about Fund Classes and the Master Chart.

Note: If you want to change the Division, Fund Class, Fund Type, or Sub Type code after you save the Fund record, refer to Changing Fund Codes for more information.

1. In the Fund Management module, select Tools > System Utilities > Change Fund ID Code.

Tip: Click the Help button and read the help information for this process before running it.

FIMS Help Window

2. Once you have read the help information carefully, click the Close button. The Change Fund ID Code window opens.

Change Fund ID Code Window

3. In the Old Fund ID field, enter the Fund ID code that you want to change. If you are not sure of the exact ID code, click the Lookup button (looks like a magnifying glass) next to this field to select the desired Fund.

4. In the New Fund ID field, enter the new code that you want to assign to the selected Fund.

5. Click OK. A confirmation window appears to ask if you are ready to proceed.

6. Click Yes.


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