Change the Gift Reversal Date
  • 14 Jul 2023
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Change the Gift Reversal Date

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You are here: Gifts > Posted Gifts > Change Gift Reversal Date

Change the Gift Reversal Date

If you reverse a Gift and use the wrong reversal date, you can change the reversal date even after the reversal is posted.

Note: This option is only available for reversal Gift records and requires a special login. Please contact FIMS Support for help with this option.

Note: If you want to change the date before posting, simply delete the reversal from the Gift tab in Unposted Gifts and create a new reversal with the correct date.

1. In the Gift History Data Grid, select (highlight, but do not open) the Gift reversal record that you want to change.

2. Right-click on the desired reversal record and select Change Reversal Date. The Change Date window opens.
Change Date Window

3. Enter the new date, and then click OK.

Note: : This process changes the date in Gift History, but does not affect General Ledger. Journal entries must be entered and posted if necessary.

CAUTION: If the new date is in a different period, or if the Gift was posted directly into a pool and the new date would make a material difference in allocation, you must make the necessary corrective G/L Journal entries. If the new date is in a different fiscal year than the original reversal date all FIMS summary tables must be updated.


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