Changes to FieldMaker maximum character count are not sticking in FIMS
  • 04 Jan 2023
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Changes to FieldMaker maximum character count are not sticking in FIMS

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Article summary

I would like to up the max characters to a current FieldMaker field but the changes are not sticking in FIMS. The field cannot accept more than 80 characters after making the changes to it.


For an existing Fieldmaker field for which you wish to change the character limit, do the following:

1. Change the format on the Layout tab by right-clicking on the field and choosing properties.
2. Do the same thing on the fields tab. Select properties on the field and change the format.
3. Commit changes.

Steps To Duplicate

1. Remove the current field
2. Re-add the field
3. Set for example, maximum characters to be 1000 on the Fieldmaker field and commit changes.
4. Then go to the Fieldmaker field and note that you cannot enter in more than 80.

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