Choosing Affiliation Codes
  • 29 Apr 2024
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Choosing Affiliation Codes

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Choosing Affiliation Codes

Affiliation codes determine how a Profile is classified and are helpful in determining groups for mailing or reporting purposes.

The Affiliations tab on the FIMS Report Selections window allows you to enhance your report filtering options by allowing you to include or exclude records that contain one or more specified affiliation codes. The Affiliations tab is available for most FIMS reports.

In Profile reports, Profile records that are tagged with the selected Affiliation codes are included or excluded. In the Gift History report, Gifts from Profile or Donor records tagged with the selected Affiliation code are included or excluded.

NOTE: If you do not make any selections on the Selections tab or the Affiliations tab, the report will return all records in the database that apply to the selected report. For example, if you run a Profile Listing report, and do not make any selections on the Selections or Affiliations tabs, every Profile in the entire database will appear on the report.

In the FIMS Report Selections window, click the Affiliations tab.

Example: Affiliations Tab

NOTE: This tab is similar to the Affiliations tab in the Profile Management module. The available codes are presented in a tree view so you can see group codes and each group’s member codes. You can only see the member codes when the selected folder is expanded. If you want to view all of the available codes at once, click the Expand All checkbox near the bottom of the tab to expand all of the folders.

NOTE: If you choose to add a group code, only that code will be added – each of its member codes must be added separately.

Select the Affiliation code that you want to use to filter your report from the left-hand pane and then click the Add button. The selected code is added to the right-hand pane.

NOTE: You can add multiple codes at one time by holding down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and selecting multiple items from the list before clicking the Add button. However, there is a limit to the number of codes you can select. The limit varies, depending on your codes, but an estimated limit is fifteen different codes.

NOTE: You can only use OR to relate affiliation codes (you cannot use AND). If you want to select records that have both of two affiliation codes, do one of the following:

If you just want an address listing report, you can run the Special Address Listing. This report allows you to select records where the Profiles have both the first and second codes you select.

Use the Affiliation Code Mass Add utility to select Profiles that have two particular affiliation codes and assign them a new code. Once assigned, use the new code in the selection for any report you want to run.

NOTE: If you want to remove an Affiliation code from the list, select it in the right-hand pane and click the Remove button.

Select each code that you are using and then select the Include or Exclude radio button to determine whether you want to include or exclude the records that contain those Affiliation codes (for example, if you choose Board of Directors (Include) and Development Committee (Exclude), then all Profiles who have the Board of Directors affiliation code will be selected, but if they also have the Development Committee affiliation code, they will not be selected).

Once you have configured the desired Affiliation code options, click the Mailing tab to continue setting up the report. Refer to Setting Mailing Options for more information.

NOTE: The Mailing tab is not available for all reports. If there is no Mailing tab for the report you are running, refer to Setting Send To Options.


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