Column Format Tab
  • 24 Jun 2024
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Column Format Tab

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Article summary

Column Format Tab

The Column Format tab allows you to add, view, or edit Column Formats for financial statements.

Each Column Format record is comprised of between one and sixteen columns, with individual settings for each column. Column settings are listed from left to right. You may have to use the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the tab to see all of the available columns.

NOTE: Although you can see all sixteen columns, only those with an entry in the Type field are active.

NOTE: In addition to the fields on this tab, there are three buttons that you can use to add, edit, or delete Column Formats:

  • Create/Copy Format: Creates a new Column Format record. You can either create the new record from scratch or copy data from existing Column Format records.
  • Remove Format: Deletes the selected Column Format record.

IMPORTANT: This button deletes the entire Column Format record, not just a single column. If you only want to delete a single column from the record, remove any information from the Type field for that column.

Column Format Tab


Column Format Tab Fields



Column Format Name

The name that identifies the Column Format record.


The text that you want to print at the top of the column.

TIP: If you are creating a column that will show data for the current period, enter @per in this field. FIMS will use this code to automatically print the alphabetic abbreviation for the current period. For example, if you are using a calendar year format and the current period is 6, the heading will be JUN; if the current period is 8, the heading will be AUG.


The type of column (G/L, Perc, or Calc).

Calc columns make a calculation based on the Formula field.

G/L columns contain information from the General Ledger accounts specified in the Row Format record.

Perc columns calculate a percentage based on the Formula field.

NOTE: A blank Type field in a column means that the column is not currently in use.

Fiscal Year

The fiscal year reflected in the column, relative to the year you enter at run time.

For example, if you enter Base in this field, the year entered at run-time will be reflected. If you enter Base-1, the prior fiscal year will be reflected.


The fiscal period(s) reflected in the column. You can either enter a period that is relative to the period entered at run-time (for example, Base, Base-1, or Base+2), a range of relative periods (for example, Base-2 to Base), an absolute period (for example, 2 or 3), or a range of absolute periods (for example, 1 to 3).

NOTE: When specifying a period or period range (relative or absolute), change the Current or YTD field to Current.

NOTE: Rows interact in different ways with the Period depending on the Row Format code. G/L Rows directly reflect the period indicated. FBB and BB codes reflect the balance as of the end of the previous period. FBE Rows present the Fund balance as of the end of the reflected period.

Actual or Budget

Indicates whether financial information comes from the Budget or Actual fields in the General Ledger account record.

Current or YTD

Indicates whether the column reports Current values (the value of the net activity for the selected fiscal year and period) or Year to Date values (the total of the beginning balance and all period activity up to and including the defined period).

Fund Division

The Division code for Funds that you want to include in the column.

NOTE: Codes in ranges must be enclosed by quotation marks (for example, “0” to “5”).

NOTE: This field only applies to consolidated financial statements and exports.

Fund Class

The Fund Class code for Funds that you want to include in the column.

NOTE: Codes in ranges must be enclosed by quotation marks (for example, “0” to “5”).

NOTE: This field only applies to consolidated financial statements and exports.

Fund Type

The Fund Type code for Funds that you want to include in the column.

NOTE: Codes in ranges must be enclosed by quotation marks (for example, “0” to “5”).

NOTE: This field only applies to consolidated financial statements and exports.

Fund Sub-Type

The Sub-Type code for Funds that you want to include in the column.

NOTE: Codes in ranges must be enclosed by quotation marks (for example, “0” to “5”).

NOTE: This field only applies to consolidated financial statements and exports.

Functional Expense

The Functional Expense Type code associated with the Fund that you want to include in the column.


The formula that you want to use to calculate the values in Perc or Calc columns.

For Perc columns, enter a ratio in this field. For example, entering A/B will result in a percentage that is equal to the value in Column A, divided by the value in Column B, multiplied by 100).

For Calc columns, enter a formula of column letters and the operators for addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division (for example, A+B, C*D, F/A, or E-D).

The Formula may also refer to values from more than two columns. For example, the formula for Column D could be A+B-C. A constant, numerical value also may be used. The formula for Column C could be A/B*100.


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