Committing FieldMaker Changes
  • 28 Aug 2023
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Committing FieldMaker Changes

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Article summary

Committing FieldMaker Changes

Committing FieldMaker changes adds the new table and fields to the database and creates the appropriate Plus Page(s) in FIMS. It also makes the FieldMaker fields available for reporting selections and sorting.

Committing changes does the following:

  • Updates the database schema (for example, adding, deleting and updating tables and fields).
  • Generates database trigger programs and adds Assign and Delete triggers to the database schema. The Assign trigger creates the FieldMaker record when the parent FIMS record is created. The Delete trigger deletes the FieldMaker record when the parent FIMS record is deleted.
  • Generates programs (called Record Audit Programs) that create FieldMaker records for existing FIMS records. For example, if you link a FieldMaker table to the Profile table, the Record Audit Program creates the FieldMaker records for any existing Profile records. It also generates records for any corresponding history tables (for example, AppHistory or GiftHistory).
  • Generates the FieldMaker table viewers (Plus Pages).
  • Compiles all generated programs (triggers, record audits, and viewers).
  • Maintains the report selection and sorting lists.
  • Adds the file configuration records as *.d files in the Custom directory, so they can be recreated if deleted or erroneously changed.

In addition to the database changes, FieldMaker makes changes to posting and reporting routines to ensure that new fields are treated just like standard fields.

IMPORTANT: If you are on a multi-user system, make sure everyone else has closed FIMS before you commit FieldMaker changes. The system will not be able to complete the process until everyone else is logged out.

  1. In FieldMaker, click the Processes tab.
  2. Select Commit Changes and then click the Run Process button.
  3. A message appears to confirm that you are the only user running FIMS. Make sure that all other users have closed FIMS, and then click OK. FIMS will save the database changes restart.
  4. Navigate to the appropriate module (for example Donor and Gift Management) and click on the + tab to see the new fields on the Plus Page.
  5. Run a standard FIMS report (for example, to check that the new fields are available within the Selection and Sorting options. FieldMaker fields are preceded by a plus sign (+) in the list.

Tip: Troubleshooting FieldMaker Changes

If you get a message that says Database in use by xxxx. Wait or choose cancel to stop when you try to commit FieldMaker changes, do not cancel the process. If you cancel, you will have problems getting back into FIMS and will require technical support.

Instead, make sure that the user specified in the error message is logged out of FIMS. When FieldMaker recognizes that everyone is logged out it will proceed with committing the changes.


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