Conditions Tab (Grants)
  • 09 Oct 2023
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Conditions Tab (Grants)

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Conditions Tab (Grants)

When you go to Grants > Conditions tab > Conditions tab, you can view the details of any condition you select from the Conditions Data Grid and make changes, copy, delete, or create conditions.

Note: This tab is different from the Conditions tab for Applications or Application History. Those tabs display a list of conditions that are attached to a specific Application, rather than all available conditions. Refer to Setting Grant Conditions for more information.

Conditions Tab


Conditions Fields



Grant Num.

The Grant Application number.

ID Code

Read-only field that displays the Grantee ID code.


Read-only field that displays the Grant Amount.


Read-only field that displays the Grant Date.

Remind Date

The date when a staff member should receive a reminder that a condition is coming due.

Remind Who

The staff member who should receive a reminder about the condition.

Note: This field is based on the Staff code. Only staff members who have a Staff code will be available for selection in this field.


Read-only field that displays Program Name from the Application.

Line Number

If you want to attach a condition record specifically to a payment line (rather than to the Grant as a whole), enter the number of the line in the Line Number field. If four conditions are not enough for a Grant, you can enter multiple conditions, which are automatically given a Sequence number.

Seq (Payment Line)

Read-only field that displays the sequential number assigned to each Condition record assigned to the selected Grant Application.

If there is only one Condition record, this field is blank.

Amount (Payment Line)

The amount of the selected payment.

Date (Payment Line)

The due date for the selected payment.

Condition Closed

Checkbox that indicates whether all of the conditions have been fulfilled.

Select this checkbox if the conditions have been fulfilled and clear the checkbox if they have not.

Note: This checkbox will not usually be selected until long after the Grant record is posted to history.


Read-only checkbox that indicates if the Grant is also a Scholarship.

Grant Posted

Read-only checkbox that indicates whether the Grant has been posted to Accounts Payable.


Conditions Tab: Conditions Fields

Click the Conditions radio button at the bottom of the tab to access these fields. You can enter up to four guidelines or criteria for each Condition record.

Conditions Fields





User-defined code that you can use to describe of the compliance guidelines or performance criteria that make up the condition. Four Condition fields are available on each Condition record.

Tip: You can also enter free-form text into these fields.

Note: Only the first line is visible in the Conditions Data Grid.

Date Due

Date field you can use to enter the date when the criteria must be met.

Date Done

Date field you can use to enter the date when the criteria was met.


Conditions Tab: Expected / Actual Outcome Fields

Click Expected Outcome or Actual Outcome to access these fields.

These are a free-form text fields so you can make notes for follow-up information describing the expected and actual outcome of the funded project. Each field holds approximately eight pages of text.


Conditions Tab: Secondary Conditions Fields

Conditions Tab: Other Fields

Click Other to access these fields.

Other Fields



Staff Code

User-defined code that identifies the staff member who is responsible for monitoring the objectives of the Grant.

Success Rank

User-defined code that grades the success of the Grant Application.

Condition Added

Read-only field that displays the date when the Condition record was created.


Read-only field that displays the date when the Condition record was last updated.

If no changes have been made, this field is blank.


Read-only field that displays the FIMS username of the person who last worked on the Condition record.


Conditions Reports

There are two reports that you can use to keep track of whether conditions have been met.

Tip: Refer to the FIMS Reports Guide for more information about using both of these reports.

  • Follow-Up Due Report/Export: Lists all Grants that have conditions due (that are not done). This report provides the Grant number, Line, Seq, Grantee name, Closed code, Staff code, Success rank code, Conditions and dates. The Follow-Up Due report also has a significant selection feature that makes it an easy tickler report for tracking fulfillment of conditions. When you run the report, you are prompted to enter a single due date. FIMS will search the Follow-Up file and report records with Due Dates prior to the entered date, and no associated Done Date.

Note: After the report displays in the FIMS Viewer, you can click Export on the FIMS Viewer menu bar to create an ASCII data file that you can use to create mail merge letters in word processing.

  • Payment Selection Report (in Accounts Payable): You should run this report before printing checks to examine the items that are due for payment. You are prompted for a Pay Through Date, which FIMS will use as the basis of a search of Condition records. You will receive a Past Due warning message in the report for any payment to a Grant with overdue conditions.

Note: This warning does not prevent you from paying the Grant.

Keep the following in mind when you run this report:

  • If you leave the Line Number blank, the report will warn you if any condition has a due date on or before the Grant payment date and has no corresponding done date.

  • If you enter a Line Number, you will only see a warning for that line. For example, if you were about to make the second payment, and the second condition was met, you would not see a warning – even if conditions on the first and third payment were not met. Most organizations find that leaving Conditions attached to the Grant as a whole suffices even if they have multiple conditions, since conditions generally must be met in chronological order.


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