Conditions Tab (Scholarships)
  • 09 Oct 2023
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Conditions Tab (Scholarships)

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Article summary

Conditions Tab (Scholarships)

This tab allows you to view the details of any condition you select from the Conditions Data Grid and make changes, copy, delete, or create conditions.

NOTE: This tab is different from the Conditions tab for Applications or Application History. Those tabs display a list of conditions that are attached to a specific application, rather than all available conditions. The tabs in Applications and Application History also act as data grids and you do not allow you to directly edit any conditions.

Refer to Setting Scholarship Conditions for more information on working with conditions.

Conditions Tab

Conditions Tab: General Entry Fields



Grant Num.

Identifies the Grant (Scholarship application) that the condition applies to.

You can change this number to associate the condition with a different application.

If you want the condition to remain attached to the current Scholarship and add it to an additional Scholarship, click the Copy button on the toolbar and then change the Grant Num. for the new condition.


Read-only field that displays the Grant Amount for the Scholarship.


Read-only field that displays the Grant Date for the Scholarship.

ID Code

Read-only field that displays the ID Code for the Grantee.


Read-only field that displays the Program Name for the Scholarship.

Condition Closed

Checkbox that determines whether the conditions have been fulfilled.

Select this checkbox if the conditions have been fulfilled and clear it if they have not.

NOTE: This checkbox will not usually be selected until long after the application is posted to history.


Read-only checkbox that determines whether the condition applies to a Scholarship or a Grant.

The checkbox will always be selected for Scholarship conditions.

Grant Posted

Read-only checkbox that determines whether the Grant associated with the Scholarship has been posted

Line Number (Payment Line)

Displays the number of the payment line that the condition applies to.

When you enter a payment line number in this field, the Amount and Date Due automatically appear to the right of this field.

If the condition applies to the entire Scholarship, a zero appears in this field by default.

Seq. (Payment Line)

Read-only field that displays the sequential number assigned to each Condition record assigned to the selected Scholarship.

If there is only one Condition record (or if you are viewing the , this field is blank

Amount (Payment Line)

The Amount of the selected payment.

Date (Payment Line)

The Due Date of the selected payment.


Conditions Tab: Conditions Fields

Click the Conditions radio button at the bottom of the tab to access these fields. You can enter up to four guidelines or criteria for each Condition record.




Text-entry fields you can use to enter descriptions of the compliance guidelines or performance criteria that make up this condition.

NOTE: Only the first line is visible in the Conditions Data Grid.

Date Due

Date field you can use to enter the date when the criteria must be met.

Date Done

Date field you can use to enter the date when the criteria was met.


Conditions Tab: Expected/Actual Outcome Fields

Click either the Expected Outcome or Actual Outcome radio button at the bottom of the tab to access these fields.

These are a free-form text fields that are intended to hold information about how each Applicant is expected to respond to the conditions and how they actually respond. Each field holds approximately eight pages of text.

Conditions Tab: Other Fields

Click the Other radio button at the bottom of the tab to access these fields.



Staff code

User-defined code that identifies the staff member who is responsible for monitoring the conditions of the Scholarship.

Success Rank

User-defined code that grades the success of the Scholarship.

Condition Added

Read-only field that displays the date when the Condition record was created.


Read-only field that displays the date when the Condition record was last updated.

If no changes have been made, this field is blank.


Read-only field that displays the FIMS username of the person who last worked on the Condition record.


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