Configure a Profile’s Special Mailing and Handling Controls
  • 24 Jun 2024
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Configure a Profile’s Special Mailing and Handling Controls

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Configure a Profile’s Special Mailing and Handling Controls

Special Mailing Controls can limit or divert mail by controlling the records that are exported when you run the Export to Word Processing to create a data file for mail merges.

Special Handling codes are used to provide additional information about a Profile that you want to appear in Gifts, Grants, Pledges, Scholarships, and/or Accounts Payable whenever a Profile with the special handling code is used in a transaction.

The Special Handling window contains any Special Handling text that you have entered about the Profile and also allows you to access Donor Comments, Grantee Comments, and Profile Notepads associated with the Profile.

Example: Special Handling Popup

Tip: Refer to Maintaining Profile Special Handling Codes for more information on setting up Special Handling information.

1. In the Profile Management module, make sure that the desired Profile record is open (or select it from the Profile Data Grid), and then click the Profile 2 tab.

Profile 2 Tab (Special Mailing and Handling Controls)


2. If the Profile should receive appeals from the organization, select the Solicit checkbox. If the Profile does not want these appeals, clear this checkbox.

3. If the Profile should be included on any mailings from the organization, select the Allow Mail checkbox. If the Profile should not receive any mailings, clear this checkbox.

Note: If you clear the Allow Mail checkbox, the Profile will be excluded from all mailings (i.e., exports used to create mailings).

4. If mail for the Profile should always be redirected to someone other than the Profile (for example, if they have all of their mail sent to a relative or attorney), enter the ID code of the Profile who should receive the mail in the Mail To field. If you do not want to redirect mail, leave this field blank.

Note: A Profile record must exist (or you must create one) for the Mail To individual or organization if you want to redirect a Profile’s mail.

5. If the Profile has special handling requirements, click the Lookup button next to the Spec Handling field and select the appropriate special handling code.

Note: The Special Handling window that opens in conjunction with Profiles who have a Special Handling code also provides access to Donor Notes and the Profile Notepads. Refer to Maintaining Profile Special Handling Codes for more information on setting up Special Handling information.

6. Click the Save button on the toolbar.


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