Configure an Audit Policy
  • 07 Jul 2023
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Configure an Audit Policy

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Article summary

Configure an Audit Policy

To configure an Audit Policy, follow these steps:

1. Select Tools > System Utilities > Admin Utilities > Audit Utilities > Auditing Policy Maintenance.

The Working Database is the database that you are currently working in. You should leave this setting as the default.

A series of buttons in the center of the screen perform standard add, Save, Cancel, Delete, Copy and Reset functions.  They highlight/darken when that particular option is available. 

2. With the Policy tab in focus, click File > Add Record. Enter the Audit Policy name and description.

Tip: Name the policy after the module or function that you are auditing (e.g. Fund Policy or Profiles Policy)

Leave Data Security Level set to No Additional Security.

3. Select File > Save Record to save the policy.

4. Once saved, one or more tables must be added to the policy.


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