Configure Default Salutations
  • 13 Jul 2023
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Configure Default Salutations

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You are here: Profiles > Configure Salutations > Configure Default Salutations

Configure Default Salutations

FIMS uses the default values that you specify to automatically build Salutations when Profile records are saved. You can create the field labels that will appear on the Salutations tab for each Salutation, along with the Salutation Build Code that determines how the Salutation will be built.

Refer to Customizing Salutations for more information about setting up Salutation Build Codes.

Salutation Build Codes




Formal Individual: Prefix + Last Name (Profile 1 Name)


Informal Individual: First Name (Profile 1 Name)


Formal with Partner:

  • If Last Name = Partner Last Name (or Partner Last Name is blank): Prefix + "and" + Partner Prefix + Last Name

  • If Last Name Partner Last Name: Prefix + Last Name + "and" + Partner Prefix + Partner Last Name

  • If Partner Prefix is blank: Prefix + Last Name (i.e. formal individual)


Informal with Partner:

  • If Partner First Name is present: First Name + "and" + Partner First Name

  • If Partner First Name is blank: First Name


Nickname: Nickname

  1. In the Profile Management module, select Tools > System Utilities > System Initial Setup. The System Initial Setup window opens.

  2. Click the Mailing Setup tab. The Salutation fields are located in the Salutation Usage section of the window.

    Mailing Setup Tab (Salutation Usage)

  1. In the Build Code field next to Default, enter the build code that you want to use for the default salutation.

  2. In the Descriptions fields, enter the labels that you want to appear next to each field on the Salutations tab.

  3. In the Build Code field next to each Description field, enter the type of salutation that you want to use in each field.

  4. When you are finished, click OK.

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