Configure Minimum Grant Amount
  • 17 Nov 2023
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Configure Minimum Grant Amount

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Article Summary

Configure Minimum Grant Amount

Note: This functionality requires configuration in both FIMS and DonorCentral.

You can configure a global minimum grant amount so that advisors must make grant recommendations for that amount or greater. You can also optionally configure overrides to make exceptions --based on fund type and/or recipient country -- to the global minimum grant amount.

Step 1: Configure in FIMS

  1. Select Tools, System Utilities, DonorCentral, DonorCentral Options.
  2. In Section, choose System.
  3. In Option, choose Fund_Type.
  4. In Value, choose either Fund_Type or Sub_Type, depending on which FIMS values you want to populate the Fund Type selection in DonorCentral.
  5. Select OK.

Step 2: Configure in DonorCentral

  1. Select Control panel, Site configuration, then select Options.
  2. Under Grant recommendations, select Require a minimum recommendation amount of, and then enter the minimum dollar amount.
  3. Optional. To create overrides, select Manage overrides, then select New. Choose the Fund type, Country, and Minimum dollar amount, then select Save.

When advisors make a grant recommendation, if the grant Amount doesn't meet the configured minimum amount, they'll need to modify the amount before they can successfully submit the recommendation.

When donors make a grant recommendation, if the grant Amount doesn't meet the configured minimum amount, they'll need to follow these steps to successfully submit the recommendation:

  • A message displays briefly in the lower-left corner.
  • The donor must click the Previous button twice to return to the screen to change the grant amount.
  • The donor enters a suggestion that meets the minimum requirements and re-submits.

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