Configuring Chart Properties
  • 20 Sep 2023
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Configuring Chart Properties

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Configuring Chart Properties

Once you have generated the chart, you can use the Properties window to edit General, Series, and Y Axis properties for the chart.

NOTE: Many of these options are also available via the toolbar, but the Properties window provides more options than the toolbar alone.

There are several ways to access the Properties window:

  • Click the Properties button on the toolbar.
  • Select View > Properties.
  • Right-click in the chart and select Properties.

    NOTE: Right-clicking on different parts of the chart enables different Properties fields. You can configure properties for the entire chart, for labels, or for individual chart elements.

  • Click the Axes Settings button on the toolbar and select Options. This opens the Properties window with the Y Axis tab selected. 

Configuring General Chart Properties

General Properties include colors, visual layout, and 3D options.

1. Open the Properties window and click the General tab.
Example: General Tab

2. If you want to change the Colors for the chart, do any or all of the following:

  • Click the arrow in the Palette drop-down box and select the color palette that you want to apply to the chart.

    NOTE: You can also select a color palette by clicking the Palette Selector button on the toolbar and selecting the desired palette.

  • Click the arrow in the Background drop-down box and select the color that you want to apply to the chart background (the area that contains the chart labels, and the toolbar and menus for the Chart window).

    NOTE: You can also set this color by right-clicking outside of the chart in the Chart window and selecting Color.

  • Click the arrow in the Chart Box drop-down box and select the color that you want to apply to the chart itself.

    NOTE: You can also set this color by right-clicking in the chart and selecting Color.

3. If you want to change the Effects for the chart, do any or all of the following:

  • If you are working with a bar chart with more than one data element and you want to change the way data is displayed, click the arrow in the Stacked drop-down box and select one of the following:
  • Side by Side: Displays each charted data element side by side.
  • Stacked: Displays each charted data element stacked on top of one another.
  • Stacked 100%: Displays each charted data element stacked, and as a percentage of the total.
  • If you want to change the frame of the chart, click the arrow in the Axes drop-down box and select the desired frame type. Available types include None, 3D Frame, Math, and Flat Frame.

4. If you want to change the 3D elements of the chart, do any or all of the following:

  • If you want to view the chart in 3D, select the 3D checkbox. If you want to view the chart in 2D, clear this checkbox.

    NOTE: This option is also available by clicking the 3D / 2D button on the toolbar, or selecting View > 3D / 2D.

  • If you want to rotate the view, select the Rotated View checkbox and enter the desired X and Y coordinates that you want to use to rotate the view.

    NOTE: This option is only available if the 3D checkbox is selected.

    NOTE: This option is also available by clicking the Rotated View button on the toolbar

  • If you want to enable clustering along a Z axis (the data elements appear one in front of the other instead of side by side), select the Cluster (Z Axis) checkbox.

5. When you are finished, click the Apply button. Your settings will take effect right away, and you can see them and make changes before closing the Properties window.

6. Once you are satisfied with your General settings either click OK to close the window or click one of the other tabs to configure more options. 

Configuring Series Properties

Series Properties include colors, visual layout, and 3D options.

1. Open the Properties window and click the Series tab.
Example: Series Tab

2. If you want to change the type of chart, click the arrow in the Gallery drop-down box and select the desired chart type.

3. (Optional) If you want to add labels to each point on the chart, select the Point Labels checkbox.

4. Use the fields to the right of the Gallery field to configure additional settings for the selected chart type.

NOTE: The configuration fields available to the right of the Gallery drop-down change depending on the type of chart you select:

Chart Type

Configuration Fields

Line, Curve, Scatter, Pareto, Step, Radar,

Marker Fields:
  • Shape: Click the arrow in the drop-down to select the shape of the marker you want to use to mark points on the chart.
  • Size: Click the arrow in the drop-down to select the size of the marker.
  • Same Color Lines: Select this checkbox if you want the line colors to match the marker colors.

Bar (Vertical), Bar (Horizontal), Cube, Pyramid

Bar Fields:
  • Gap Width: The amount of space that you want between each set of bars in the chart.
  • Bar Shape: Select either Square, Cylinder, or Cone as the shape for the bars in your chart.

Area (Line), Area (Curve), Pie, Doughnut

No additional fields.

5. In the Fill section, do any or all of the following:

  • If you want to change the color scheme for the chart, click the arrow in the Scheme drop-down box and select either Solid, Monochrome, Patterns, or Gradient.

    NOTE: The Scheme option is always available (you can apply it to the entire chart, or just one element of the chart), but the remaining Fill options are only available when you right-click on a specific chart element to access the Properties window.

  • If you want to change the color of the selected chart element, click the arrow in the Color drop-down box and select the desired color.
  • If you are using a Gradient or Pattern color scheme, click the arrow in the Alternate drop-down box and select the color that you want to alternate with the main color to create the gradient or pattern.
  • If you are using a Pattern color scheme, click the arrow in the Pattern drop-down box and select the desired pattern.

6. (Optional) If you want to add a border around each element in the chart, select the Border checkbox, and then select the desired Effect, Color, Style, and Weight for the border lines.

7. When you are finished, click the Apply button. Your settings will take effect right away, and you can see them and make changes before closing the Properties window.

8. Once you are satisfied with your Series settings either click OK to close the window or click one of the other tabs to configure more options.

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