Contact Listing Report
  • 09 Sep 2024
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Contact Listing Report

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Article summary

Contact Listing Report

This report lists summary contact information for the selected Contact record(s). Like the Contact – Full Information report, it can serve as a Tickle report if you select a specific Tickle Date range when you run the report. It can also be limited to include only the contacts for a specific staff member.

NOTE: You can create Contacts or add Affiliation codes to each unique Profile ID code included in this report, directly from the FIMS viewer. Refer to Creating Contacts from Reports and/or Exports in the Introduction and Adding Affiliations from Reports and/or Exports in the Profile Management module for more information.

NOTE: You can access this report from anywhere in FIMS by selecting Reports > Profiles > Profile Other > Contact Listing.

Contact Listing

Contact Listing Report Fields



Contact Name

The report name for the Profile associated with the contact.

NOTE: If the contact has a Type code, the code appears to the immediate left of the Contact Name.

Contact Date

The date when the contact was created.

Call Back Date

The date when follow-up action is required for the contact.

Staff Code

The staff member associated with the contact.


The priority level for the contact.


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