Contact Persons Tab (Scholarship Grantees)
  • 08 Aug 2023
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Contact Persons Tab (Scholarship Grantees)

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Contact Persons Tab (Scholarship Grantees)

The Contact Persons tab contains information about the main points of contact for a Grantee organization. You can create an unlimited number of Contact Person records for each Grantee, and each Contact Person may be associated with a Profile (via the Profile ID code). Contact Persons with no associated Profiles are also allowed.

When you create a new Grantee record, the primary name from the Profile record is automatically added as the Primary Contact (and will be associated with the Grantee’s Profile ID code). However, you can make any Contact Person the Primary Contact. The Primary Contact will automatically be added to the Contact Name field of any Grant Application you create for the selected Grantee. Therefore, make sure that you make the person with whom you usually communicate for Grant Application purposes the Primary Contact

Refer to the Contact Persons Tab in the Grantee and Grant Management module for detailed information about the fields on this tab.

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