Contact Tab (Grants)
  • 26 Dec 2024
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Contact Tab (Grants)

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Article summary

Contact Tab (Grants)

The Contact tab contains the contact information for the main contact and the payee.

Contact Tab: Contact Fields

The Contact name and address will be used for all exports to word processing that are related to the Application (for example, Export Application Data). The default name, address, and salutation automatically flow from the Primary Contact record. You can edit the information to reflect a different contact for the current Application, but keep in mind that the changes will not flow back into the Grantee record or the Profile.

If the Grantee has Alternate Addresses, FIMS will check the current date against the Alternate Address date range to determine the appropriate address to use. You can change this default address by clicking the arrow in the Address 1 drop-down box and selecting a different address from the list.

Note: In addition to selecting alternate addresses, you can use the Contact drop-down to select any Contact Person associated with the Grantee. 



Contact ID

The ID code of the contact person for the Grant Application (if any).

Note: This field is read-only and cannot be changed.


The name of the contact person for the Grant Application.

Tip: The name in this field is automatically populated based on the Primary Contact for the Grantee record, but you can change it if necessary. Click the arrow next to this field to select a different Contact Person, or simply type a different name in the field.

Bus. Title

The Primary Contact’s business title.


The name of the organization (Grantee agency) that the Contact Person is associated with.

Address 1-2

The first and second lines of the Contact Person’s mailing address.

Tip: If you want to select an alternate address, click the arrow next to the Address 1 field to select a different address.

Tip: Click the Copy Address to Clipboard button (looks like a clipboard) next to the Address 2 field to copy the address block and salutation to the Windows clipboard, so you can paste it into a word-processing document to begin a letter. This is a useful tool when you need to create a single letter instead of a mass mailing.

City, St, Zip

The contact’s city, state, and zip code.


The country where the address is located.


The contact's email address.

Tip: You can generate an email to the Contact by clicking Send Email next to this field.


The default salutation for communications with the contact.

Tip: If you want to use a different salutation for the contact, click the arrow in this field and select the desired salutation from the list.

Alt. Contact

The name of an alternate contact person.

Tip: The primary contact name is entered in this field by default.


The phone number for the alternate contact.

Tip: The primary contact’s phone number is entered in this field by default.

Contact Tab: Payee / Donor Advisor Fields

The Payee name and address will flow into the Grant Voucher payee fields in Accounts Payable when the Grant Application is posted.

Note: If a Fiscal Sponsor is indicated on the Grantee record, the fields in this section will automatically be populated with sponsor’s name and address. If no Fiscal Sponsor is indicated, the Grantee’s name and address information will be added to these fields.

The person from the Profile 1 tab of the grantee record will default into the Contact tab of the grant application which is the primary contact on the grantee record not the primary payee.



Payee / Fiscal Sponsor ID

The Profile ID code of the payee or fiscal sponsor for the Grant.

Note: If a Fiscal Sponsor was indicated on the Grantee record, that ID code will be entered in this field by default for every Application from that Grantee.

Note: Although the payee will receive the check, the Grant will be attributed to the Grantee Profile in history.


The name of the individual to whom the check should be sent.

Note: If the fiscal sponsor for the Grant is an organization, the primary contact name will be entered in this field automatically.


The name of the payee for the Grant (generally the agency receiving the Grant).


The address where the check will be sent.

City, St, Zip

The city, state and zip code where the check will be sent.


The country where the check will be sent.


The email address of the payee for the Grant.

Note: You can generate an email to the Payee by clicking the Send Email button next to this field.

Donor / Advisor ID

The ID code of the donor advisor (if any) who recommended the Grant. Click the Lookup button to select the desired ID code. You can select from a list of All fund reps, or Grant Recommenders Only.

Note: This field looks up Fund Associations created for the Fund ID indicated on the Application tab (the primary Fund for the Grant).

Adv. Name

The name of the Donor Advisor who recommended the Grant. This field is automatically populated based on the ID code you enter in the Donor/Advisor field, but can be changed, if necessary.

Using the Application Contact and Payee Fields

There are three sets of Name and Address fields that are significant to the Application and the Grant records. They are often identical, but they can be different.

  • When you create a new Application, the organization name and address are pulled from the Profile record and placed into the Contact section of the Application’s Contact tab, but the Name is pulled from the Primary Contact record associated with the Grantee.
  • The name and address in the Contact section of the Application’s Contact tab applies to the person at the Grantee agency who receives communications regarding Applications and awards. This information becomes the historical record of the contact and agency name for the posted Application or Grant. This information does not change, even if the Profile record changes (for example, if the organization name or the executive director’s name changes).

Note: Changes to the information on the Application does not flow back to the Profile record.

  • The name and address in the Payee section of the Application’s Contact tab applies to the person or organization who will receive the Grant payment. When the approved Application is posted, this name and address will be used as the default payee on the Grant Voucher in Accounts Payable / Item Entry.

Note: The payee information is generally the same as the contact information, but it can be different. Refer to the following examples for more information.

Example 1: Occasional Payee Substitution

A Grant is awarded to the Youth Orchestra to pay the per diem of a visiting concert musician and the Youth Orchestra executive requests that the check be made out directly to the musician:

Do one of the following:

  • Enter the musician’s ID code in the Payee/Fiscal Sponsor field on the Contact tab (if the musician has a Profile ID code).
  • If there is no Profile record and you do not want to create one, delete the ID code from the Payee/Fiscal Sponsor field and edit the other Payee fields manually.

Example 2: Long-Term Payee Substitution (Fiscal Sponsor)

Awards are made to a volunteer group to beautify a city park. The payee must be the city’s parks department, which will provide equipment and supplies for the project:

Enter the city’s ID code in the Fiscal Sponsor field in the Other section of the Grantees tab. The city’s name and address information will automatically be added the Payee section of every Application from the volunteer group.

Example 3: College as Fiscal Agent

You want to track Grants to colleges or universities at the department-level (identify the department as the Grantee on the annual report):

Note: In this example, each department is a Grantee and the office is the Payee.

1. Create a Profile record for the office where the check will be sent. This record will be the Payee, and does not have to have a Grantee record associated with it.

Note: The Report Name on the office Profile should be an appropriate name to represent the entire institution, in case you need to subtotal a report on the Grants by payee. Normally the department Profile Alpha Sort fields will serve to group Grants by institution on reports.

2. Copy and edit the office Profile record to create departmental Profile records (each with a Grantee record).

  • For the departmental Profile records, the Organization name should be that of the institution as a whole, but the Report Name and Sort Name should reflect the department.
  • On the Grantees tab, enter the main office Profile ID code in the Fiscal Sponsor field. Every time a new Application is created, this Profile ID code will automatically flow into the Application as the Payee.

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