Correcting the Grantee/Student/Institution
  • 26 Dec 2024
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Correcting the Grantee/Student/Institution

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Article summary

Correcting the Grantee/Student/Institution

This utility changes the Grantee, Student or Institution specified in a posted Scholarship.

If you change the Grantee this utility alters Grant History and the payee in Accounts Payable (if the Grant is unpaid and the payee is the Grantee).

If you change the Institution or the Student, this utility determines whether either (or both) are Grantees for this Scholarship and alters the Grant History and payee information if necessary.

NOTE: In all cases, the Contact record should be related to the Student record.

1. In the Scholarship Management module, click the Application History supertab, select the scholarship record, open it and then click the Adjustments tab.

2.Select Correction – Grantee/Student/Institution, and then click the Run Process button. A help window automatically opens to provide information about the process. Read this information carefully, and then click the Close button. The FIMS Correction window opens.

3. Review the fields in the Verify Grant Information section (Grantee, Institution, Student, and Payee)to determine which item you need to change.

NOTE: These fields are read-only and cannot be changed directly.

4. In the Select Field Correction Option section, click the radio button associated with the element you want to correct: Grantee, Institution, or Student.

5. Enter the new Grantee, Institution, or Student ID (depending on which radio button you selected) in the Select New Field Information section. If you are not sure of the ID number, click the Lookup button next to this field to select the desired ID.

6. If you want to update the Payee to match the new Grantee, Institution, or Student ID, select the Update Payee Information checkbox. If you do not want to update the Payee information, clear this checkbox.

7. Click OK. A message appears to indicate that the record has been corrected. 

Scholarship Adjustment Helper

Check Printed and Sent – Grantee Returns Original Check:

  1. Void the check in Accounts Payable.
  2. Correct the Grantee/Student/Institution.
  3. Reissue the check.

Check Printed and Sent – Grantee Cashed Original and Sends New Check:

  1. Temporarily void the check in Accounts Payable.IMPORTANT: Do not create a Debit Memo.
  2. Correct the Grant Amount and double the amount of the original grant.
  3. Say Yes when prompted to create a Debit Memo, and then post the Debit Memo in Accounts Payable.
  4. Unvoid the original check.
  5. Correct the Institutionalism. (change the school).
  6. Print a check to the new school.
  7. When the original check is received, refund the check.

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