Corrections showing on DonorCentral when only Totals should Show
  • 08 Mar 2023
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Corrections showing on DonorCentral when only Totals should Show

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Article summary

The ins and outs of transaction corrections are showing on DonorCentral when only the totals should show. When looking at DonorCentral corrections are seen on the screen and in the gift export for non-gifts. They would like non-gifts to behave the same way as Gifts meaning that the ins and outs of any corrections should not show on DonorCentral.

Steps To Duplicate:

1. Log into DonorCentral and view as advisor to look at a fund
 2. Look at the non-gifts of the fund
 3. See the details for corrections listed there.


This issue can occur when the GL Drilldown feature is used. By definition the gl drilldown data extracts every line of data for the gl accounts you select.
 You can either not use the gl drilldown feature, not select those gl accounts, use the summarize option or add a note for the donors that the section in question is based on every activity for a specific set of gl accounts. 


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