CRC for fm_application does not Match CRC in fm..v-fmappl.w Try recompiling in Demo Database after Committing Fieldmaker in Live Database
  • 10 Jan 2023
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CRC for fm_application does not Match CRC in fm..v-fmappl.w Try recompiling in Demo Database after Committing Fieldmaker in Live Database

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Article summary

After Committing Fieldmaker in Live Database, the error 'CRC for fm_application does not Match CRC in fm..v-fmappl.w Try recompiling' occurs in demo.


When you make changes to Fieldmaker in the live database and them commit those changes, the demo database is no longer pointing to correct folder and does not match which causes the error.

Each database has its own folder with its own number as defined in the fm.ini file located in 

To avoid this error going forward in the demo database, do the following:

1. Make changes to Fieldmaker in the live database and then commit in live data
2. Copy live to demo
3. Then lastly commit Fieldmaker in the demo database to update its own Fieldmaker folder.

  • You do not need to make the same Fieldmaker changes in demo that you did live because those changes would already be in the demo database when you copy live to demo, you simply would need to run the Fieldmaker commit process in demo.

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